Take Action Today!
Your tax-deductible donation brings joy to the lives of countless families and help to change lives, spread love, and create a ripple effect throughout our generous community. The magic of Christmas exists in all of us. Santa’s Letters is striving to change the world—one letter at a time. Thank you for your support!

We hear from a lot of local families in need. Some families need basics, some request food, and some wish for a few gifts under the tree for their children. We have created an Amazon Wish List for those who have shared their wishes. All items are sent to us. We wrap gifts and give them to needy families, along with an overstuffed stocking!

What Would Santa Say?
Spread the holiday cheer with our exclusive WWSS? t-shirts, featuring the festive question: "What Would Santa Say?"
These shirts are not just a fun and stylish addition to your wardrobe; they're also a way to make a difference. All proceeds go to support Santa's Letters, Inc.
By purchasing a WWSS? t-shirt, you're helping to ensure that every child experiences the magic of the holiday season. Join us in giving back and making the holiday season brighter for those in need. Get yours today and be part of something truly special!